

Sunday Sermon 30 January 2022


Athanase Mulumba

January 31, 2022

SERMON TITLE DROP FROM THE OCEAN, Job 36: 26-28, He uses what you have already

  1. If you are a child of God there is a power already planted in you. All you have to do is to use that to bring in your abundance.
  2. In 2 Kings 4 when the widow came to Elisha and said " Help me, I'm in debt", Then the man of God said  "What do you have in the house?" she said just one bottle of oil and the man of God said that's all you need.  When God wants to do a miracle, He doesn't look else where, He uses what you have already.
  3. When He said to Peter "let down your nets" He didn't say, let down one net. The Almighty God wants those who want abundance to be ready for hardwork.
  4. Our God can bless you in  a way you cannot even dream about. He can use people you do not even think. He can bring miracles from any part of the world. The amount of abundance you get will be determined by you.
  5. If  you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly. If  you sow bountifully, you will reap bountifully.  Sow in your work for God and God has a timetable for everything.

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